



From 06/03/2015 to 07/02/2015


01:31 PM Feature #3005 (Closed): Add callback for successful prefix registration
If my application registers a prefix on face A and immediately sends an interest to it on face B, the interest will f... Andrew Brown


10:49 AM Task #2884 (Closed): Deprecate get/setScope, remove in a later release
Changes are merged into the master branch of all client libraries. get/setScope will be removed when task #2624 is cl... Anonymous


08:25 AM Task #2884 (Closed): Deprecate get/setScope, remove in a later release
From the nfd-dev mailing list: "Interest.Scope was was removed from the NDN specification some time ago and we never ... Anonymous


02:14 PM Feature #2075: The library should have an API to inform the application when the connection is lost to the forwarder
Hi Alex. In note 3, you suggest to throw an exception if the connection is dropped. What should happen for an async p... Anonymous
09:00 AM Feature #2075: The library should have an API to inform the application when the connection is lost to the forwarder
I duplicated this thread as a bug at Here is my original post and I'm lean... Andrew Brown

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