



Bug #2814


Error: Expect prefix-update-validator section

Added by Junxiao Shi almost 10 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Target version:
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Steps to reproduce:

  1. start NLSR 0.2.0 with the following configuration
general {
  network /net
  site site
  router h0x0
  log-level DEBUG
  log-dir /var/log/ndn/
  seq-dir /var/log/ndn/

neighbors {
  neighbor {
    name /net/site/h0x1
    face-uri udp4://
  neighbor {
    name /net/site/h1x0
    face-uri udp4://

fib {
  max-faces-per-prefix 1

advertising {
  prefix /h0x0

security {
  validator {
    trust-anchor {
      type any

Expected: NLSR starts successfully


Error: Expect prefix-update-validator section
Error in configuration file processing! Exiting from NLSR

docs/SECURITY-CONFIG.rst does not say prefix-update-validator section is required, so it should be optional.

Actions #1

Updated by Lan Wang almost 10 years ago

Looks like you are still using old configuration files?

Actions #2

Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 10 years ago

Looks like you are still using old configuration files?

Yes, I am.

My point is: if this section is required, documentation should reflect so.

Actions #3

Updated by Vince Lehman over 9 years ago

  • Target version set to v0.2.1
Actions #4

Updated by Vince Lehman over 9 years ago

  • Assignee set to Vince Lehman
Actions #5

Updated by Vince Lehman over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Code review
  • % Done changed from 0 to 90
Actions #6

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 9 years ago

Design question:

In commit:da84e02c6882718b111e447b3bcf5f7666235909, if prefix-update-validator section is missing in configuration file, NLSR will respond code 503 to advertise/withdraw commands.

In contract, if localhop_security section is missing in nfd.conf, NFD RIB does not listen on ndn:/localhop/nfd/rib prefix, and will not respond to commands.

Please explain the rationale of choosing a different behavior than NFD RIB.

Actions #7

Updated by Vince Lehman over 9 years ago

Junxiao Shi wrote:

Design question:

In commit:da84e02c6882718b111e447b3bcf5f7666235909, if prefix-update-validator section is missing in configuration file, NLSR will respond code 503 to advertise/withdraw commands.

In contract, if localhop_security section is missing in nfd.conf, NFD RIB does not listen on ndn:/localhop/nfd/rib prefix, and will not respond to commands.

Please explain the rationale of choosing a different behavior than NFD RIB.

Responding with an error code is a design decision for better usability with NLSRC.

If the PrefixUpdateProcessor does not listen and respond with an error code, NLSRC will hang until the Interest times out. The error code also allows the user to better diagnose the issue as opposed to just a timeout; the feature is disabled vs. a connectivity problem. Also, if an error code is returned telling them that the feature is disabled, the user knows they may still use other features available in NLSRC.

In contrast, NFD's RIB responds to ControlCommands immediately. Even if the remote registration times out, nfdc will receive a prompt response.

Actions #8

Updated by Junxiao Shi over 9 years ago

Reply to note-7:

It's semantically wrong to return a regular Data.

When a prefix is not being served by a producer, a network NACK will be returned.

Alternately, the producer (disabled PrefixUpdateProcessor) may return a producer generated NACK.

Either one shall be sufficient for nlsrc to detect the feature is disabled.

Actions #9

Updated by Vince Lehman over 9 years ago

Junxiao Shi wrote:

Reply to note-7:

It's semantically wrong to return a regular Data.

When a prefix is not being served by a producer, a network NACK will be returned.

Alternately, the producer (disabled PrefixUpdateProcessor) may return a producer generated NACK.

Either one shall be sufficient for nlsrc to detect the feature is disabled.

Can you confirm that patch set 4 (commit: d33e5bc4750765d59ae7c1b7084bf5ef4fc28946) implements a producer generated NACK correctly?

Actions #10

Updated by Vince Lehman over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Code review to Closed
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

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