Bug #2870
closedBroadcast strategy forwards Interests to multiple FIB entries
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method in the broadcast strategy should only be called once with the latest prefix matched from the FIB entry list.
If the chosen FIB entry has multiple next hops, the broadcast strategy will forward the Interest to all of these hops/faces.
In some simple testing, the Interest was forwarded to multiple FIB entries.
For example,
- register prefixes /a/b and /a/b/c on different faces from within an application (using the JAVA CCL)
- set a broadcast strategy with
nfdc set-strategy / /localhost/nfd/strategy/broadcast
ndn-tlv-peek -p -f -r /a/b/c
to send an Interest
Expected: the Interest is only forwarded to the /a/b/c registered prefix
Actual: it was forwarded to both
NFD version 0.3.2