Task #2943
openCollect statistics during experiment
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
While an experiment is running, network/forwarder/routing statistics should be collected and stored.
Some statistics that may be collected are:
- Statistics in nfd-status
- Routing message statistics (e.g. HELLO Interests, LSA Data)
- Link statistics (e.g. Total # of Interests)
Updated by Vince Lehman over 9 years ago
- Blocks Task #2945: Display statistics during collection added
Updated by Vince Lehman over 9 years ago
- Blocks Task #2947: Add ability to save statistics to file after an experiment has run added
Updated by Ashlesh Gawande over 8 years ago
- Target version changed from v0.2.0 to v0.3.0
Updated by Ashlesh Gawande about 8 years ago
- Target version changed from v0.3.0 to v0.4.0
Updated by Ashlesh Gawande about 7 years ago
- Target version changed from v0.4.0 to v0.5.0
Updated by Saurab Dulal over 4 years ago
- Target version changed from v0.5.0 to v0.6.0