Task #2956
closedFeature #4083: NLSR Statistics
Implement statistics collector/recorder
Updated by Vince Lehman over 9 years ago
- Blocked by Task #2955: Design statistics collection mechanism added
Updated by Vince Lehman over 9 years ago
- Related to Task #2957: Implement Statistics publisher added
Updated by Nicholas Gordon almost 8 years ago
- Related to Feature #4083: NLSR Statistics added
Updated by Damian Coomes over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Code review
Updated by Damian Coomes over 7 years ago
The only warning/error are the two below:
1501107244.689 DEBUG: [Fib] Successfully set strategy choice: /localhost/nfd/strategy/multicast/%FD%03 for name: /localhop/ndn/NLSR/LSA
1501107244.728 DEBUG: [Fib] Successfully set strategy choice: /localhost/nfd/strategy/multicast/%FD%03 for name: /ndn/broadcast/KEYS
1501107244.728 DEBUG: [Fib] Successfully set strategy choice: /localhost/nfd/strategy/multicast/%FD%03 for name: /localhop/ndn/NLSR/sync
1501107244.748 WARN: [nlsr] The adjacency /ndn/b-site/%C1.Router/cs/b has no Face information in this dataset.
1501107244.748 WARN: [nlsr] The adjacency /ndn/c-site/%C1.Router/cs/c has no Face information in this dataset.
"/this" is being processed, according to this message:
1501107264.909 INFO: [PrefixUpdateProcessor] Advertising name: /this
down below:
Adding Name Lsa
1501107264.929 DEBUG: [Lsa] Name Lsa:
1501107264.929 DEBUG: [Lsa] Origination Router: /ndn/a-site/%C1.Router/cs/a
1501107264.929 DEBUG: [Lsa] Ls Type: name
1501107264.929 DEBUG: [Lsa] Ls Seq No: 110
1501107264.930 DEBUG: [Lsa] Ls Lifetime: 1501110864909999510 nanoseconds since Jan 1, 1970
1501107264.930 DEBUG: [Lsa] Names:
1501107264.930 DEBUG: [Lsa] Name 1: /ndn/a-site/a
1501107264.930 DEBUG: [Lsa] Name 1: /this
1501107264.930 DEBUG: [Lsa] name_lsa_end
1501107310.740 DEBUG: [nlsr] Face created event received.
Then, it's just scheduling hello interests to be sent every 60 seconds.
Updated by Ashlesh Gawande over 7 years ago
Okay this is from the Face discovery patch. I will try to see if a sleep time fixes it.
Updated by Ashlesh Gawande over 7 years ago
Did you test it with the latest Mini-NDN?
Updated by Damian Coomes over 7 years ago
I updated it. Now, I can advertise sometimes but mostly I receive nacks.
mini-ndn> a nlsrc advertise this
Request timed out (code: 10060, error: Nack)
mini-ndn> b nlsrc advertise that
Applied Name prefix update successfully: (Advertise: /that)
mini-ndn> c nlsrc advertise something
Applied Name prefix update successfully: (Advertise: /something)
mini-ndn> d nlsrc advertise this
Request timed out (code: 10060, error: Nack)
mini-ndn> a nlsrc advertise this
Request timed out (code: 10060, error: Nack)
mini-ndn> a nlsrc advertise that
Request timed out (code: 10060, error: Nack)
mini-ndn> d nlsrc advertise other
Request timed out (code: 10060, error: Nack)
mini-ndn> a nlsrc advertise names
Request timed out (code: 10060, error: Nack)
Updated by Damian Coomes over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Code review to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100