



Feature #4294


ndnsec: Extend key-gen command line to allow selection of different KeyId types

Added by Alex Afanasyev over 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

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Right now, it is hard-coded to use the default option (random number). We have option for timestamp, digest, and user-specified component.

Actions #1

Updated by Zhiyi Zhang about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Code review
  • % Done changed from 0 to 80
Actions #2

Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 7 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Task to Feature

I notice that patchset3 interprets user-specified KeyId with name::Component::Component(const char*) constructor that takes the string as-is. I think it is better to interpret the KeyId string as URI component with name::Component::fromEscapedString.

As specified in certificate-format spec, KeyId is an opaque name component. It is not restricted to printable characters.
Therefore, interpreting the command line argument as URI makes it easier to specify a non-printable KeyId.

Actions #3

Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 7 years ago

Change 4427,7 test log:

ubuntu@m0213:~/ndn-cxx$ ndnsec key-gen /A --key_id ...
ndnsec: ../src/security/key-params.cpp:43: ndn::KeyParams::KeyParams(ndn::KeyType, const ndn::name::Component&): Assertion `!keyId.empty()' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

It's okay to reject zero-octet name component as KeyId, but it should be a graceful failure instead of hitting an assertion.

ubuntu@m0213:~/ndn-cxx$ ndnsec key-gen /A --key_id DD
ubuntu@m0213:~/ndn-cxx$ ndnsec list -c
* /A
  +->* /A/KEY/DD
       +->* /A/KEY/DD/self/%FD%00%00%01%60%D7o%7D%15
ubuntu@m0213:~/ndn-cxx$ ndnsec key-gen /A --key_id DD
Error: Key `/A/KEY/DD` already exists


ubuntu@m0213:~/ndn-cxx$ ndnsec key-gen /A --key_id %00


ubuntu@m0213:~/ndn-cxx$ ndnsec key-gen /A --key_id sha256digest=XX
Error: Cannot convert to ImplicitSha256DigestComponent(expected sha256 in hex encoding)


ubuntu@m0213:~/ndn-cxx$ ndnsec key-gen /A --key_id sha256digest=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

This one should be rejected. The resulting certificate name would have a ImplicitSha256DigestComponent in the middle, which is an invalid Data packet.

ubuntu@m0213:~/ndn-cxx$ ndnsec key-gen /A --key_id $(python -c "print '%CC'*12000") | head -2

This is acceptable. Although the resulting Data exceeds the "practical" 8800-octet limit, it is not a protocol violation.
ndnsec cert-dump works properly with this certificate.
The difficulty in certificate retrieval is not ndnsec's concern.

Actions #4

Updated by Zhiyi Zhang almost 7 years ago

Junxiao Shi wrote:

ubuntu@m0213:~/ndn-cxx$ ndnsec key-gen /A --key_id sha256digest=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

This one should be rejected. The resulting certificate name would have a ImplicitSha256DigestComponent in the middle, which is an invalid Data packet.

I thought the component::fromEscapedString() function should have already erased sha256digest=. Why does it still exist in the name? I paste the code here:

Component::fromEscapedString(const char* escapedString, size_t beginOffset, size_t endOffset)
  std::string trimmedString(escapedString + beginOffset, escapedString + endOffset);

  if (, getSha256DigestUriPrefix().size(),
                            getSha256DigestUriPrefix()) == 0) {
    if (trimmedString.size() != getSha256DigestUriPrefix().size() + util::Sha256::DIGEST_SIZE * 2)
      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Cannot convert to ImplicitSha256DigestComponent"
                                  "(expected sha256 in hex encoding)"));

    try {
      trimmedString.erase(0, getSha256DigestUriPrefix().size());
      return fromImplicitSha256Digest(fromHex(trimmedString));
    catch (const StringHelperError&) {
      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Cannot convert to a ImplicitSha256DigestComponent (invalid hex "
Actions #5

Updated by Alex Afanasyev almost 7 years ago

I think you're misunderstanding. What Junxiao is saying this component type should not be allowed as key id. fromEscapedString() is doing what it is suppose to do. Just add check that after decoding the component type (.type()) is not ImplicitSha256DigestComponent

Actions #6

Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 7 years ago

I’d suggest allowing only GenericNameComponent and rejecting all other types. With “typed component” coming, it’s best to whitelist each type individually.

Actions #7

Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 7 years ago

Exactly the opposite. He current way is correct and whitelisting would lead to problems

Let me elaborate why I think KeyId should whitelist GenericNameComponent.

  1. When typed component is implemented, I anticipate there will be a “key id” component type, along with many other component types that cannot be “key id”.
  2. “key id” is the recommended component type for key id. GenericNameComponent is still accepted for backwards compatibility.
  3. Blacklisting ImplicitSha256DigestComponent would cause ndnsec key-gen to incorrectly accept other component types.
  4. Whitelisting GenericNameComponent for now would then require extending the whitelist to include “key id” component, which should be part of the typed component implementation commit.
Actions #8

Updated by Alex Afanasyev almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Code review to Closed
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

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