Bug #4359
closedKeyChain::importSafeBag does not properly check for error in Tpm::importPrivateKey
Tpm::importPrivateKey does not thrown an exception. Instead it catches BackEnd::Error and returns false for an error.
try {
m_backEnd->importKey(keyName, pkcs8, pkcs8Len, pw, pwLen);
catch (const BackEnd::Error&) {
return false;
return true;
However, when KeyChain::importSafeBag calls importPrivateKey, it checks for an exception instead of checking for a return value of false:
try {
safeBag.getEncryptedKeyBag().data(), safeBag.getEncryptedKeyBag().size(),
pw, pwLen);
catch (const std::runtime_error&) {
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Fail to import private key `" + keyName.toUri() + "`"));
Therefore, if the TPM back end throws BackEnd::Error, it is ignored by KeyChain::importSafeBag. It should check for a return value of false when calling Tpm::importPrivateKey (or Tpm::importPrivateKey should throw the exception instead of returning false).