



Task #4480


Deploy Ubuntu 18.04 Jenkins agents

Added by Eric Newberry about 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Ubuntu 18.04 will be released on April 26, 2018. 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04 agents should be set up soon after this date.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Blocks NFD - Task #4462: Drop support for Ubuntu 14.04ClosedDavide Pesavento

Actions #1

Updated by Eric Newberry about 7 years ago

  • Blocks Task #4462: Drop support for Ubuntu 14.04 added
Actions #2

Updated by Davide Pesavento about 7 years ago

Ubuntu is dropping support for i386 server images with 18.04 LTS.

We can do the same (and keep the 16.04 32-bit slaves only), or switch to something else (Debian?) for 32-bit slaves. I recommend the former because, honestly, who cares about 32-bit x86 anymore? (except for embedded systems, but you wouldn't use ubuntu there anyway.) It would be much more useful to add arm/aarch64 slaves to the CI instead of keeping x86 around.

Actions #3

Updated by Alex Afanasyev about 7 years ago

I don't mind dropping i386, provided we have some other 32-bit platform as part of CI. I would be against just dropping, as we will certainly miss issues similar to what we just had with time problems.

Actions #4

Updated by Anonymous about 7 years ago

We can do the same (and keep the 16.04 32-bit slaves only)


Ubuntu 16.04 (32-bit) is supported until April 2021. At that time, we can re-evaluate the relevance of 32-bit platforms.

Actions #5

Updated by Davide Pesavento about 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #6

Updated by Junxiao Shi about 7 years ago

It would be much more useful to add arm/aarch64 slaves to the CI instead of keeping x86 around.


Actions #7

Updated by Davide Pesavento almost 7 years ago

  • Target version set to v0.7

After this, all Ubuntu 17.10 and Ubuntu 14.04 agents can be retired (unless there are any objections to doing so).

There are objections. At the 2018-03-28 call, we agreed to keep Ubuntu 14.04 supported for a little while longer, at least until we make a release that contains basic support for the v0.3 packet format. This implies keeping the Jenkins agents active for the same period of time, to ensure no breaking changes are merged into the codebase.

Actions #8

Updated by Davide Pesavento almost 7 years ago

  • Project changed from ndn-cxx to NFD
  • Description updated (diff)
  • Category changed from Build to Build
  • Target version changed from v0.7 to v0.7
Actions #9

Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 7 years ago

at least until we make a release that contains basic support for the v0.3 packet format

This refers to Packet03Transition "3-to-2 Interpretation" state.

Actions #10

Updated by Davide Pesavento almost 7 years ago

  • Start date set to 04/26/2018
Actions #11

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

Working to deploy 64-bit 18.04 agents from a custom-made Vagrant box.

Actions #12

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

Should I retire the 14.04 agents or should we wait and do it in #4462?

Actions #13

Updated by Davide Pesavento almost 7 years ago

Eric Newberry wrote:

Should I retire the 14.04 agents or should we wait and do it in #4462?

Wait, as explained in note-7. You may retire the 17.10 agents though.

Actions #14

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

Two 18.04 agents are online and connected to Jenkins. I plan to add a third at Memphis in the future.

Actions #15

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

Are we still planning to keep the 16.04 32-bit agents around now that we have a 32-bit ARM platform?

Actions #16

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 90

The Ubuntu 17.10 agents have been retired and the Ubuntu-17.10-64bit platform has been replaced with the Ubuntu-18.04-64bit platform on all applicable projects.

Actions #17

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

The Memphis 18.04 agent has been deployed.

Actions #18

Updated by Davide Pesavento almost 7 years ago

Eric Newberry wrote:

Are we still planning to keep the 16.04 32-bit agents around now that we have a 32-bit ARM platform?

IIRC the consensus was to keep them around for now.

Actions #19

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

It appears that 18.04 is building things just fine, apart from the standard unit test timeout issues.

Actions #20

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

Davide Pesavento wrote:

Eric Newberry wrote:

Are we still planning to keep the 16.04 32-bit agents around now that we have a 32-bit ARM platform?

IIRC the consensus was to keep them around for now.

The problem is that keeping the 32-bit agents around eats up CPU cycles that could go toward other platforms. Removing them may help prevent weird unit test failures due to CPU contention.

Actions #21

Updated by Eric Newberry almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

It was decided at the April 30 call to keep 32-bit 16.04 agents around for the time being and revisit the issue when Ubuntu 20.04 is released. Additionally, shutting down the 14.04 agents has been delayed until #4462. Therefore, I believe this issue has been completed.


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