In routing-table-calculator, a variable vNoLink ( stores a number of links from a node-neighbor/s that have cost greater than 0.
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nRouters; i++) { //
if (adjMatrix[sRouter][i] > 0) { //checking if cost is > 0 from a node to its neighbor
noLink++; //this is used to set vNoLink.
The same > 0
assumption is made when getting sparse links from AdjMatrix.
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nRouters; i++) { //
if (adjMatrix[source][i] > 0) { // checking if cost is > 0 from a node to its neighbor
links[j] = i;
linkCosts[j] = adjMatrix[source][i];
The "vNoLink"
is used in other sections of the code as well, therefore the same assumption is propagated elsewhere.
In LS:doDijkstraPathCalculation, (, a node is considered accessible if the cost to that node is greater than zero and for the rest of the nodes the cost is set to zero in the adjacent matrix. Now, this fundamentally violates a use-case when the actual cost from a node to its neighbor is supplied zero by the user/operator. In such case, code won't be able to figure out the diff between real cost and the one set considering inaccessible.
For more clarity,
let's Assume a link-cost between A---->C = 0
, and say, B is not reachable from A. The following "if condition" will result false and both (B and C) won't be considered as a neighbor.
if (adjMatrix[u][v] > 0) //will fail to incorporate our use-case, (routing-table-calculator.hpp#L293)
changing ">"
sign in the above "if"
to >=
won't work, as the code will falsely consider both of them as a neighbor.