



From 02/25/2015 to 03/26/2015


10:42 AM Bug #1518 (Abandoned): registerPrefix adds the onInterest callback even when registration fails
This is the same as bug #1517 in the Redmine for all libraries, so abandon this one. Anonymous


03:11 PM Bug #2560 (Closed): mvn integration-test doesn't seem to run the tests
Great, thanks. I merged to master and will make a Maven release. Anonymous
12:18 PM Bug #2560: mvn integration-test doesn't seem to run the tests
Jeff, I believe that was an auto-refactor artifact and not intentional; I removed them in the latest commit. Andrew Brown
11:43 AM Bug #2560 (In Progress): mvn integration-test doesn't seem to run the tests
Hi Andrew. Sounds good and thanks for using the convention for the branch name. It works for me after updating a few ... Anonymous
10:21 AM Bug #2560: mvn integration-test doesn't seem to run the tests
Jeff, check out the branch I published. I had to move the integration-tests back under the global tests folder for fa... Andrew Brown


02:39 PM Feature #2565: Implement async operations for Face.processEvents
On my list it is near the top. Infinite loops with poll and sleep operations, specifically in android case would unn... Alex Afanasyev


11:56 AM Task #2619 (Closed): Data.setName, etc. do not copy the object
10:59 AM Task #2619 (Closed): Data.setName, etc. do not copy the object
The API doc for Data.setName, etc. say that the method copies the object: Anonymous


11:04 PM Feature #2565: Implement async operations for Face.processEvents
+1. Any thoughts on priority relative to other issues? Jeff Burke
10:33 PM Feature #2578: Callback classes should not be under net.named_data.jndn, but at some higher level
Makes sense to consider this. How much of a priority do you think it is? Jeff Burke


03:59 PM Task #2545 (Closed): Blob should support hashCode()
The change for Blob.hashCode to use ByteBuffer.hashCode is merged into the master branch. Anonymous


10:51 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
No worries, I understand the concerns. Andrew Brown
10:50 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
Oh. ok, I'm got mislead by the question and like this approach. Please ignore my notes 28, 29. Alex Afanasyev
10:45 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
Look down to the answer to that question: the OP was not filling the buffer, therefore the hash was always the same. Andrew Brown
10:36 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
Andrew Brown wrote:
> I don't understand: in #28 you say ByteBuffer.hashCode() is not a real hash but it actually ...
Alex Afanasyev
10:30 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
I don't understand: in #28 you say ByteBuffer.hashCode() is not a real hash but it actually is (see #25, just not a c... Andrew Brown
10:04 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
Just forgot to add that we would still need to implement real (as it note-25) hashCode() for name and name components... Alex Afanasyev
09:53 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
ByteBuffer.hashCode() doesn't do any real hashing (value depends on the number of remaining bytes). I don't mind usi... Alex Afanasyev
09:23 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
Nice, I like it. Alex? Andrew Brown
09:04 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
The ByteBuffer position and limit will not change, nor will its contents. I hadn't noticed that ByteBuffer implement... Anonymous
08:49 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
I understand and that makes sense, just note from previous comments that I was advocating using the same hash as Stri... Andrew Brown


06:00 PM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
Not sure about java-way, I'm kind of against reimplementing the wheel. Implementing hashing of the data buffer ourse... Alex Afanasyev
04:51 PM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
I still think hashCode() should be implemented in Blob (especially since it doesn't hurt to have it there) but... I d... Andrew Brown
04:12 PM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
I read the definitions and still think that it should not be generally defined for Blob (the use of Blob in hash tabl... Alex Afanasyev
03:21 PM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
It's more a Java-ism than anything else; see discussion above about why but basically the equals() contract assumes t... Andrew Brown
03:14 PM Task #2545 (In Progress): Blob should support hashCode()
Re-open to address Alex's questions. Anonymous
03:13 PM Task #2545 (Closed): Blob should support hashCode()
03:08 PM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
Why "Blob" abstract needs to be hashed? I can understand that name and name component should be hashable as they cou... Alex Afanasyev
03:08 PM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
I vote yes. Andrew Brown
02:54 PM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
Hi Andrew, I added basic unit tests.
02:28 PM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
+1 Andrew Brown
02:17 PM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
OK, I reverted Blob.equals to not use hashCode().
Let me know what you think of Name.hashCode() here:<br>
12:46 PM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
#11, got it. #12, yes, that is more complete; I would still say leave it out because we can't guess how Blob will be ... Andrew Brown
12:05 PM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
In your argument to remove hashCode() from equals(), you say "If the Blobs are unequal, we will have to scan the enti... Anonymous
12:02 PM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
> Why do we have a type-specific equals?
To avoid an unnecessary call to instanceof if possible. Also, the CCL AP...
11:52 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
Jeff Thompson wrote:
> Do you mean equals(Object) which is used by HashMap, etc.? It will return false for !(...
Andrew Brown
11:35 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
> 1. When we add tests, can we add a test for equals(null); I "think" the implementation would return false but I'm n... Anonymous
11:12 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
This is good stuff. A few comments:
1. When we add tests, can we add a test for equals(null); I "think" the implem...
Andrew Brown
10:13 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
I made a branch issue/2545-Blob-hashCode. Please see the hashCode() method here:<br>
09:11 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
Well, I'm not using it for equals() and it's a minor optimization, but I want to use a HashMap<Name, ...> to avoid lo... Andrew Brown
08:09 AM Task #2545: Blob should support hashCode()
Sure we can. But I'm curious where do you use Name.equals in your application that a hash code can provide a signific... Anonymous
05:52 PM Feature #2578 (New): Callback classes should not be under net.named_data.jndn, but at some higher level
Callbacks such as OnData, OnInterest, ... and many others should not be exposed directly under net.named_data.jndn na... Alex Afanasyev
05:13 PM Feature #2565 (Closed): Implement async operations for Face.processEvents
Right now, one is required to have an infinite loop with with polling of processEvents.
I believe, this can be don...
Alex Afanasyev
12:07 PM Bug #2560: mvn integration-test doesn't seem to run the tests
Can you jump in with adding Failsafe to the global POM? Anonymous
11:57 AM Bug #2560: mvn integration-test doesn't seem to run the tests
Sounds good; why don't you add the failsafe XML to the global POM (let me know if you want me to jump in on that) and... Andrew Brown
11:40 AM Bug #2560: mvn integration-test doesn't seem to run the tests
I think we should use the Failsafe plugin so that "mvn verify" at the top level runs all the integration tests. We c... Anonymous
11:30 AM Bug #2560: mvn integration-test doesn't seem to run the tests
In PR, I did add a sub-POM that closely mirrors the one in /examples; basic... Andrew Brown
11:22 AM Bug #2560: mvn integration-test doesn't seem to run the tests
Good call. I thought we put integration-test stuff in there... but I'm looking now and... nope. I will look into this... Andrew Brown
11:18 AM Bug #2560 (Closed): mvn integration-test doesn't seem to run the tests
When I run "mvn integration-test" it doesn't seem to run the tests. I can even delete the integration-tests folder an... Anonymous

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