



From 07/06/2017 to 08/04/2017


03:51 PM Bug #1047: The removeRegisteredPrefix API should "unregister" from the forwarding daemon
> How to reverse the register process and "unregister" from the forwarding daemon?
The library should invoke [[nfd...
Junxiao Shi


09:27 PM Bug #4160 (Rejected): the default time uint is millisecond while ndn-cxx uses nanosecond
This is not a bug, it is an API design decision. The API calls perform as documented and encode/decode the correct co... Jeff Burke


11:04 PM Bug #4160: the default time uint is millisecond while ndn-cxx uses nanosecond
I need to correct myself first: ndn-cxx uses "microseconds", which is consistent with the Name Conventions document; ... Haitao Zhang
12:21 AM Bug #4160: the default time uint is millisecond while ndn-cxx uses nanosecond
Actually, the jNDN fromTimestamp and toTimestamp just encode and decode the number that it is given, without converti... Anonymous

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