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Junxiao Shi, 03/18/2014 11:34 AM

FIB Management

FIB Management is a module of NFD Management protocol.
It provides:

  • commands to insert, update, and delete FIB entries and nexthop records
  • a dataset of FIB entries and nexthop records

FIB Management commands and datasets are published in namespace ndn:/localhost/nfd/fib.

Control Commands

ControlCommand management-module: fib

Add a nexthop

command-verb: add-nexthop

This command adds a nexthop to a FIB entry.
If the FIB entry does not exist, it is inserted automatically.

ControlParameters fields:

  • Name (required)
  • FaceId (required)
  • Cost (optional)

FaceId is the FaceId returned in Face Management.
If FaceId is set to zero, it is implied as the face of the entity sending this command.

If face does not exist, the command fails with code 410.

Cost defaults to zero.
If a nexthop of same FaceId exists on the FIB entry, its cost is updated.

Remove a nexthop

command-verb: remove-nexthop

This command removes a nexthop from a FIB entry.
If the last nexthop record in a FIB entry is removed, the FIB entry is deleted automatically.

ControlParameters fields:

  • Name (required)
  • FaceId (required)

FaceId is the FaceId returned in Face Management.
If FaceId is set to zero, it is implied as the face of the entity sending this command.

If the FIB entry does not exist, the command fails with code 404.

If face or nexthop record does not exist, this command does nothing, but is still considered successful.

FIB Dataset

FIB entries and nexthop records are published as a Status Dataset at ndn:/localhost/nfd/fib/list.

Each FIB entry is represented by a FibEntry blocks:



TLV-TYPE assignments

Type Assigned value Assigned value (hex)
FibEntry 128 0x80
NextHopRecord 129 0x81

Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 11 years ago · 37 revisions