

Varun Patil

  • Login: pulsejet
  • Registered on: 11/08/2020
  • Last connection: 02/07/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 6 6
Reported issues 0 3 3


Project Roles Registered on
ChronoChat Manager, Developer 12/26/2020
NFD Developer 06/07/2021
NDN Specifications Developer 06/07/2021
ndn-cxx Developer 11/25/2020
ndn-tools Developer 06/07/2021
NFD-android Developer 06/07/2021



02:06 AM NDN Specifications Wiki edit: ContentType (#23)
Varun Patil


10:13 PM NDN Specifications Wiki edit: ContentType (#22)
Varun Patil
10:12 PM NDN Specifications Wiki edit: ContentType (#21)
Varun Patil
10:10 PM NDN Specifications Wiki edit: ContentType (#20)
Varun Patil
10:10 PM NDN Specifications Wiki edit: ContentType (#19)
Varun Patil


08:13 PM ndn-cxx Bug #5251 (Closed): EVP_PKEY_base_id returns 0
We use EVP_PKEY_base_id to get the key type, which is required when using HMAC signing. Latest ndn-cxx.
This might b...
Varun Patil


01:46 PM Packaging Feature #5244 (Closed): PPA packages for jammy
I don't know how PPA builds work, but there are no packages for jammy yet. Varun Patil


02:11 AM ChronoSync Task #2540: Re-license code to LGPL 3+
Can we initiate this? I'm being forced to do a cleanroom implementation of some parts for ndn-svs to keep it LGPL. Varun Patil


05:18 AM ChronoChat Task #4087: Urgent bugs caused by ndn-cxx change 3603
Fixed, please close Varun Patil
05:18 AM ChronoChat Bug #4563: Build broken with ndn-cxx v0.6.1
Fixed, please close Varun Patil

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