Bug #1413
closednfdc can create face to same peer more than once
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I assume this is not the expected behavior, but please let me know if I'm missing anything here:
- nfdc create tcp4 face ==> new face #x.
- nfdc create the same face ==> nfd-status presents multiple lines for the same uri, both attached to the same face #y != #x
- nfdc destroy #y ==> nfd-status still presents the uri, but attach it to an invalid face #.
Sample run:
$ build/bin/nfdc create tcp4://
Face creation succeeded: ControlParameters(FaceId: 8, Uri: tcp4://, )
$ build/bin/nfd-status
(partial output):
faceid=8 uri=tcp4:// counters={in={0i 0d} out={0i 0d}}
$ build/bin/nfdc create tcp4://
Face creation succeeded: ControlParameters(FaceId: 11, Uri: tcp4://, )
$ build/bin/nfd-status
(partial output):
faceid=11 uri=tcp4:// counters={in={0i 0d} out={0i 0d}}
faceid=11 uri=tcp4:// counters={in={0i 0d} out={0i 0d}}
$ build/bin/nfdc destroy 11
Face destroy succeeded: ControlParameters(FaceId: 11, )
$ build/bin/nfd-status (partial output):
faceid=18446744073709551615 uri=tcp4:// counters={in={0i 0d} out={0i 0d}}