Task #1684
closedRIB enumeration protocol
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
2.00 h
Design a protocol to enumerate RIB entries.
In the dataset, each RIB entry shall report:
- Name prefix
- Routes: FaceId, Origin, Cost, route inheritance flags
- remaining lifetime for each Route
Updated by Junxiao Shi over 10 years ago
- Blocks Task #1662: RIB dataset publisher added
Updated by Alex Afanasyev over 10 years ago
Can we prioritize this task?
While running repo-ng I discovered that something got stuck in RIB manager (it was generating tons of unrelated FIB entries) and I had no way to see what exactly got stuck.
Updated by Junxiao Shi over 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
RIB dataset is defined in RibMgmt revision 8, please review.