Task #1801
openrepo performance test tools: repong-put-packet repong-get-packet repong-remove-packet
ndn performance test tools: ndnputpacket ndngetpacket ndnremovepacket
ndnputpacket [-v] [-s] [-D] [-i identity] [-I identity] [-x freshness] [-l lifetime] [-W timeout] repo-prefix ndn-name pakcet-length packet-count
Write packets into repo. The content of packet is just packet-count "0x00"s. The name of packet is just ndn-name with segment number in the end. The range of segment no. is 0 ~ packet-count-1
-v: be verbose
-s: put single packet each repo command interest
-D: use DigestSha256 signing method instead of SignatureSha256WithRsa
-i: specify identity used for signing Data
-I: specify identity used for signing commands
-x: FreshnessPeriod in milliseconds
-l: InterestLifetime in milliseconds for each command
-w: timeout in milliseconds for whole process (default unlimited)
repo-prefix: repo command prefix
ndn-name: NDN Name prefix for written Data
pakcet-length: the length of the packet.
packet-count: counts of packet
ndngetpacket [-v] [-l lifetime] [-w timeout] [-o filename] ndn-name packet-count
Read packet-count packets from repo. The name of packet is just ndn-name with segment number in the end. The range of segment no. is 0 ~ packet-count-1.
-v: be verbose
ndn-name: NDN Name prefix for Data to be read
packet-count: counts of packet
-l: InterestLifetime in milliseconds
-w: timeout in milliseconds for whole process (default unlimited)
ndnremovepacket [-v] [-s] [-D] [-I identity] [-l lifetime] [-W timeout] repo-prefix ndn-name. packet-count
Remove packets from repo. The name of packet is just ndn-name with segment number in the end. The range of segment no. is 0 ~ packet-count-1
-v: be verbose
-s: remove single packet each repo command interest
-D: use DigestSha256 signing method instead of SignatureSha256WithRsa
-I: specify identity used for signing commands
-l: InterestLifetime in milliseconds for each command
-w: timeout in milliseconds for whole process (default unlimited)
repo-prefix: repo command prefix
ndn-name: NDN Name prefix for written Data
packet-count: counts of packet
Updated by Shuo Chen over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Shuo Chen
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
Updated by Alex Afanasyev over 10 years ago
This doesn't look "ndn" performance tools, rather repo's performance tools. I would use name that reflect this. For example (but not necessarily) repong-put-packet
, ...
Updated by Shuo Chen over 10 years ago
- Subject changed from ndn performance test tools: ndnputpacket ndngetpacket ndnremovepacket to repo performance test tools: repong-put-packet repong-get-packet repong-remove-packet
Updated by Shuo Chen over 10 years ago
Command name should be changed:
ndnputpacket -> repong-put-packet
ndngetpacket -> repong-get-packet
ndnremovepacket -> repong-remove-packet
Updated by Weiqi Shi over 10 years ago
ndngetpacket cannot get the packet without segment number, like the data that stored by ndnputfile -s. Therefore, ndnputfile or ndnputpacket should be also updated by appending the segment number
Updated by Alex Afanasyev over 10 years ago
No. It is not correct including segment number for data that has exactly one segment. It is ndngetpacket that needs to be updated: either there should be added -s option or internal logic should be updated to process correctly cases when segment number is not part of the name.
Updated by Weiqi Shi over 10 years ago
I reviewed the code of ndngetpacket and it currently append a segment number when -s is specified. The original ndnputfile does not do this, but still has some faults in it, as I mentioned in #1867.
Updated by Junxiao Shi almost 10 years ago
we have a new ndn-tools project / repo. This tool should be added there
Not necessarily. These tools are specific to repo-ng, and should go with repo-ng.
This is same reason why nfdc
should go with NFD.