



Task #1801


repo performance test tools: repong-put-packet repong-get-packet repong-remove-packet

Added by Shuo Chen over 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

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ndn performance test tools: ndnputpacket ndngetpacket ndnremovepacket

ndnputpacket [-v] [-s] [-D] [-i identity] [-I identity] [-x freshness] [-l lifetime] [-W timeout] repo-prefix ndn-name pakcet-length packet-count

Write packets into repo. The content of packet is just packet-count "0x00"s. The name of packet is just ndn-name with segment number in the end. The range of segment no. is 0 ~ packet-count-1

-v: be verbose
-s: put single packet each repo command interest
-D: use DigestSha256 signing method instead of SignatureSha256WithRsa
-i: specify identity used for signing Data
-I: specify identity used for signing commands
-x: FreshnessPeriod in milliseconds
-l: InterestLifetime in milliseconds for each command
-w: timeout in milliseconds for whole process (default unlimited)
repo-prefix: repo command prefix
ndn-name: NDN Name prefix for written Data
pakcet-length: the length of the packet.
packet-count: counts of packet

ndngetpacket [-v] [-l lifetime] [-w timeout] [-o filename] ndn-name packet-count
Read packet-count packets from repo. The name of packet is just ndn-name with segment number in the end. The range of segment no. is 0 ~ packet-count-1.

-v: be verbose
ndn-name: NDN Name prefix for Data to be read
packet-count: counts of packet
-l: InterestLifetime in milliseconds
-w: timeout in milliseconds for whole process (default unlimited)

ndnremovepacket [-v] [-s] [-D] [-I identity] [-l lifetime] [-W timeout] repo-prefix ndn-name. packet-count
Remove packets from repo. The name of packet is just ndn-name with segment number in the end. The range of segment no. is 0 ~ packet-count-1

-v: be verbose
-s: remove single packet each repo command interest
-D: use DigestSha256 signing method instead of SignatureSha256WithRsa
-I: specify identity used for signing commands
-l: InterestLifetime in milliseconds for each command
-w: timeout in milliseconds for whole process (default unlimited)
repo-prefix: repo command prefix
ndn-name: NDN Name prefix for written Data
packet-count: counts of packet

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