Bug #2501
closedtest_nfdc_C: nfd-status: Failed to unregister prefix
Integration test case test_nfdc_C
is failing.
Host A test_nfdc/nfdc_test_C.log
nfd-status: Failed to unregister prefix
Updated by Junxiao Shi about 10 years ago
- File 20150209.zip 20150209.zip added
- Target version changed from v0.3 to v0.4
Updated by Hila Ben Abraham about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Hila Ben Abraham about 10 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Same problem as #2502 - Need to wait before the output of nfd-status changes.
Is it on purpose that nfd-status doesn't refresh its output?
Updated by Junxiao Shi about 10 years ago
Is it on purpose that nfd-status doesn't refresh its output?
StatusDatasets from NFD Management are refreshed once every second.
sleep 2
shall do it.
Updated by Junxiao Shi about 10 years ago
- File 20150302_1828,2.zip 20150302_1828,2.zip added
Updated by Hila Ben Abraham about 10 years ago
The new log introduce 2 new errors:
1. test\_nfdc fails for scenario A & B.
2. test\_interest_aggregation fails.
I couldn't reproduce 1, but it seems to be the same problem of getting out-of-date output from nfd-status.
Regarding the second error, the produced test log is unreadable so I need some more time to figure out the exact problem.
Updated by Hila Ben Abraham about 10 years ago
An update:
I think that test_interest_aggregation fails because ndn-tlv-peek fails to send interests:
$ndn-tlv-peek ndn:/test-agg/
1425531594.411624 INFO: [UnixStreamFace]
[id=-1,local=unix:///run/nfd.sock,remote=fd://31] Creating face
1425531594.412065 INFO: [FaceTable] Added face id=277 remote=fd://31 local=unix:///run/nfd.sock
test-agADtmnfd_integration_testKEksk-142551004468ID-CERT?;F???x?,?߹?-?????????? P??C!l??O??U?=MR-0u6??????`8????Q?o7sL?
d.q?2?OU?Iү???????_?g&S?/,: &l?D???u?p?&??A?????}2???k?p?? 9j???z
2E???`c\??}????)????߈|#-?K?'??d?hilata@b:/tmp/integration-tests$ 1425531594.433362 INFO: [FaceTable] Removed face id=277 remote=fd://31 local=unix:///run/nfd.sock (Connection closed)
I need to continue with some more debugging, but before doing that I thought to ask whether anyone is familiar with this problem.
Updated by Junxiao Shi about 10 years ago
The mojibake in the output seems to be the Data packet, which means ndn-tlv-peek
indeed sends the Interest.
#1384 has the spec for Interest aggregation scenario. Please find out which step is failing, so that I can give more specific suggestion.
Updated by Hila Ben Abraham about 10 years ago
I think that I found the problem. the test fails when running 2 instances of ndn-peek with the same name. The expected number of received interests is 1, but ndn-traffic-server reports on 2 incoming interests. I couldn't reproduce it manually, but it happens on every run of test_interest_aggregation.
A solution:
The script currently runs both instances of ndn-tlv-peek together. I was able to solve the error by running the first instance of ndn-tlv-peek, and then waiting for it to be completed before running the second instance. Therefore, it looks like nfd doesn't aggregate interests when arrive to close to each other. It's hard for me to point on the exact interval that causes the problem, but I wonder if that's related to the refresh period of the statusDatasets.
Updated by Junxiao Shi about 10 years ago
Updated by Junxiao Shi about 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed