Task #3254
openDesign automated key rollover process
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Currently when keys expire on the testbed, the NLSR process must be stopped, a new key(s) must be generated, the NLSR configuration file must be updated, and the NLSR process must be restarted.
This task should define the steps or process necessary to provide automatic detection of key rollover in NLSR without requiring NLSR to restart.
Updated by Ashlesh Gawande almost 8 years ago
- Assignee set to Muktadir Chowdhury
Updated by Nicholas Gordon about 7 years ago
- Target version changed from v0.5.0 to Minor release v0.5.1
Updated by Ashlesh Gawande about 7 years ago
- Related to Bug #4473: Running into year 2038 problem as certificate's validity period is hard coded to 20 years added
Updated by Saurab Dulal almost 6 years ago
- Target version changed from Minor release v0.5.1 to v0.6.0
Updated by Saurab Dulal about 4 years ago
- Target version changed from v0.6.0 to Minor Release v0.6.1