Task #1920
Document 8800 octet limit for data packet size
Added by Jeff Burke over 10 years ago.
Updated about 10 years ago.
I cannot find mention of the practical 8800 octet limit (or MAX_NDN_PACKET_SIZE
) for data packets in either the packet format spec, NFD, or NDN-CXX documentation.
Can this be documented? This would be useful to libraries that are performing segmentation based on this limit, and provides a spec upon which to base the behavior of NDN-CCL.
- Description updated (diff)
- Start date deleted (
At 20140114 meeting, Van said:
mechanism does not have to embody policy. mechanism doesn't care, just grabs bits until end marker. policy decision imposed when it arrives.
The 8800-octet limit is a practical limit which is a kind of "policy", so it cannot be mentioned in NDN-TLV spec.
ndn-cxx documentation already contains MAX_NDN_PACKET_SIZE
constant in Doxygen.
There is no description for this constant, because the constant name is sufficient for its meaning.
limit is imposed on all packet types, not just Data.
Yes, I agree that it doesn't need to be in the spec, but the current location is a little obscure for someone not familiar with the library or that knows where to look - and it is relevant to many. Perhaps it could be mentioned in the FAQ or another part of the NFD / ndn-cxx documentation.
- Related to Task #2099: Move definition of MAX_NDN_PACKET_SIZE added
- Target version set to v0.3
20141031 conference call decides that this can be documented in ndn-cxx Application Developer Guide.
Repo for ndn-cxx application developer's guide: git@git.irl.cs.ucla.edu:papers/ndn-cxx-docs.git
- Assignee set to Junxiao Shi
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
7 days passed since I commit the documentation. I assume it's done.
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