Feature #4083
openNLSR Statistics
Start date:
Due date:
07/07/2017 (over 7 years late)
% Done:
Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
A useful feature would be to collect statistics about NLSR's activities and performance.
- A user would run NLSR, and the statistics collection system would be able to collect and report statistics to whatever experiment system it was running in. At this point that includes ndnSIM and miniNDN.
- A user would be able to selectively enable statistics collection based not only on modules, but on actions within the modules. This would be easy to configure, and would not require recompiling NLSR from source.
- A user would be able to easily process the data output using scripts, without having to do too much string parsing.
- NLSR will only enable this system if desired, and will not slow down the program execution needlessly.