From 03/08/2015 to 04/06/2015
- 03:44 PM Feature #2566: Implement Face.setInterestFilter
- Merged the jNDN branch issue/2566-setInterestFilter into master.
The same changes to the other libraries are in pr...
- 03:58 PM Feature #2566 (In Progress): Implement Face.setInterestFilter
- See the jNDN branch issue/2566-setInterestFilter. See the updates to the CHANGELOG:<br> - 12:03 PM Feature #2566: Implement Face.setInterestFilter
- In my opinion, this is correct and desired behavior.
- 11:30 AM Feature #2566: Implement Face.setInterestFilter
- "Longest prefix match" question: The ndn-cxx function processInterestFilters calls every callback which matches.<br>
... - 03:55 PM Task #2579 (In Progress): Provide send/sendData in Face() and deprecate in Transport
- See updates in Feature #2566.
- 10:48 AM Task #2624: Deprecate ndnx packet format support, remove in a later release
- Added "remove in a later release" to the Subject since this issue will track through the final removal of NDNx support.
- 10:39 AM Bug #1517: registerPrefix adds the onInterest callback even when registration fails
- This applies to all libraries. Set to blocked by test #2624 because the current process to register a prefix is tied ...
- 12:38 PM Bug #1047: The removeRegisteredPrefix API should "unregister" from the forwarding daemon
- Yes, callbacks are missing.
- 11:10 AM Bug #1047: The removeRegisteredPrefix API should "unregister" from the forwarding daemon
- Need to add optional callbacks for success and failure.
- 09:43 AM Feature #2566: Implement Face.setInterestFilter
- This form of unsetInterestFilter is a convenience alias for unregisterPrefix. It also matches convenience version of...
- 07:51 AM Feature #2566: Implement Face.setInterestFilter
- unsetInterestFilter(const RegisteredPrefixId* registeredPrefixId) seems to do the same thing as unregisterPrefix(cons...
- 04:09 PM Task #1921 (Closed): Provide equivalent to NDN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE
- Added the check in putData.
- 03:18 PM Task #2579: Provide send/sendData in Face() and deprecate in Transport
- Not exactly. Data packet can has other fields that are bundled with the Data (e.g., LocalControlHeader), which needs...
- 12:53 PM Task #2579: Provide send/sendData in Face() and deprecate in Transport
- Question: In ndn-cxx, Face.put says "It is highly recommended to use a Data packet that was created using make_shared...
- 01:11 PM Feature #2531 (In Progress): LocalControlHeader
- Re-opened and moved to NDN-CCL since this applies to all libraries. It is implemented in jNDN. Need to implement in t...
- 01:03 PM Feature #2532 (In Progress): Remote Prefix Registration
- Re-opened and moved to NDN-CCL since this applies to all libraries. It is implemented in jNDN. Need to implement in t...
- 05:22 PM Task #2620 (Closed): Interest setter methods should return this
- Updated the code and docs.
- 10:36 PM Task #2579: Provide send/sendData in Face() and deprecate in Transport
- I'm not sure that I'm following the reasoning (I cannot foresee a need for "putInterest") and documentation may not b...
- 03:56 PM Task #2579: Provide send/sendData in Face() and deprecate in Transport
- For example, KeyChain.sign is overloaded to sign a data buffer, an Interest and a Data. They all do very different th...
- 04:53 PM Bug #2015 (Closed): name.toUri() does not return a valid URI: missing scheme
- Following note 1, added an optional param includeScheme.
- 03:25 PM Task #1921 (In Progress): Provide equivalent to NDN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE
- In NDN-CPP branch issue/1921-NDN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, added static inline method getMaxNdnPacketSize(). Noted that expres...
- 02:05 PM Feature #2075: The library should have an API to inform the application when the connection is lost to the forwarder
- s/architecture/nfd/g. The point of the question is less the phrasing and more a request to specific if/how the libra...
- 01:42 PM Feature #2075: The library should have an API to inform the application when the connection is lost to the forwarder
- This is not architectural question. This is an artifact of current implementation. If NDN was a networking stack em...
- 01:15 PM Feature #2075: The library should have an API to inform the application when the connection is lost to the forwarder
- Hello Beichuan. We assigned this to you to see if you can bring this up as an architectural question. Should the appl...
- 01:39 PM Bug #2575: Unspecified fields should not be present in packets
- Why is it assigned to me?
The only logical way is to not include something into packets if it wasn't specified by ... - 12:46 PM Bug #2575: Unspecified fields should not be present in packets
- So, if the field is unspecified, it should not show up in the Interest at all? (This is fine, but is this part of th...
- 01:36 PM Task #2579: Provide send/sendData in Face() and deprecate in Transport
- What exactly is the problem with python and javascript?
- 01:22 PM Task #2579: Provide send/sendData in Face() and deprecate in Transport
- We will add Face.putData(data) and deprecate the application's access to Transport.send. Also the OnInterest callbac...
- 01:25 PM Feature #2568 (Closed): Face.put(Data)
- Feature #2627 was created for the issue to group high-level operations. And we have task #2579 for adding the method ...
- 01:08 PM Feature #2574: Explicit usage of time abstractions in public API
- I disagree with closing of the issues that are open ended and may need to be discussed later. Closing them basically...
- 12:51 PM Feature #2574 (Closed): Explicit usage of time abstractions in public API
- This approach is taken in NDN-CCL for clarity in typeless languages. (Re-open with design motivation and solution th...
- 12:58 PM Feature #2567: InterestFilter abstraction
- JeffB/JeffT agree. JeffT will look at implementing in jNDN first. May need some discussion.
- 12:56 PM Feature #2569: Reconsider necessity for "Node" class
- JeffT will document why this exists across NDN-CCL and what the long-term plan is for using it. Then we can discuss.
- 12:53 PM Feature #2627: Group high-level operations for Interest/Data under Face
- This is internal detail. So far, I talked specifically about LocalControlHeader encoding/decoding.
- 12:48 PM Feature #2627: Group high-level operations for Interest/Data under Face
- Alex, can you make this more specific? Thanks...
- 12:40 PM Feature #2627 (Closed): Group high-level operations for Interest/Data under Face
- From AlexA: "some of the common high-level operations for Interest and Data packets needs to be grouped under the umb...
- 12:53 PM Bug #2572: NDN packet does not define Interest.Selectors.AnswerOriginKind and it should not be used in the code
- Sorry, my mistake - I forgot it was in jNDN.
This will be deprecated, then removed as #2624 is completed; a note w... - 12:47 PM Bug #2628 (New): Default value for Interest.Selectors.MustBeFresh should be false
- Current implementation, does not follow the semantics of NDN packet format, where by default interests request any da...
- 12:35 PM Feature #2577 (Closed): Redesign Signature* classes
- Closing unless there is a proposed benefit to the ndn-cxx approach or a drawback to the jNDN approach? (Re-open if t...
- 11:34 AM Feature #2566: Implement Face.setInterestFilter
- My opinion is that it shouldn't. These are flags for RIB/FIB. The application dispatch can always use InterestFilte...
- 06:19 AM Feature #2566: Implement Face.setInterestFilter
- (a question from a related issue) Should setInterestFilter follow the behavior of child inherit and capture which wer...
- 10:23 AM Task #2368 (Closed): In security library, support KeyParams
- KeyParams is added to all libraries.
- 06:39 AM Task #2368 (In Progress): In security library, support KeyParams
- 10:57 AM Task #2624 (Closed): Deprecate ndnx packet format support, remove in a later release
- Deprecate ndnx packet format support in next platform release, remove code in subsequent platform release.
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