Task #1888
closedClarify relationship of client.conf and nfd.conf to NRD / NFD
There appear to be inconsistencies in the NFD/NRD use of client.conf and ndn.conf. This leads to confusion about what is host-wide and what is per-user / per-application configuration.
For example:
Certain aspects of NRD are configured by nfd.conf on a host-wide basis. However, it appears that NRD relies on ~/.ndn/client.conf for the unix socket location. This inconsistency, while understandable in terms of the details of ndn-cxx is confusing in practice. Reproduce by changing the client.conf unix_socket entry to not match nfd.conf and restarting nfd and nrd.
Further, TPM settings in client.conf also appear to impact both NRD and NFD conf, while all other security aspects are configured host-wide in nfd.conf.
NFD, NRD, and any other processes for which a single instance per host is the typical configuration should be typically configured by host-wide parameters in nfd.conf or another file in the same location only, and not affected by the client.conf of a particular user.
~/.ndn/client.conf should continue to provide default configuration for all other binaries compiled against NDN-CXX and NDN-CCL.
This distinction should be documented clearly in the developer's guide and online documentation.
The PIB/TPM used to store NFD and NRD should be clarified in the documentation, and should be host-wide.