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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Tags
5281 mGuard Task New Normal Example Consumer Updates 08/09/2023 10:02 PM Actions
5280 ndn-cxx Bug New Normal ValidityPeriod.NotAfter=99991231T235959 truncated 08/07/2023 06:20 PM Actions
5277 NFD Feature In Progress Normal Remove persistent faces Junxiao Shi 01/18/2024 02:09 AM Actions
5275 mGuard Task In Progress Normal unit tests for name tree and parser Adam Thieme 07/26/2023 09:24 PM Actions
5274 mGuard Task In Progress Normal Clean Git Repository Adam Thieme 08/10/2023 10:58 PM Actions
5273 ndnSIM Bug New Normal Duplicated commands of AddRoute and RemoveRoute do not modify FIB Mark Theeranantachai 07/17/2023 12:12 PM Actions
5272 mGuard Task New Normal Handle CK data segmentation and content segmentation if the size exceed the MTU size Tianyuan Yu 07/19/2023 09:36 PM Actions
5269 mGuard Feature New Low Parser Time-based attribute fix Adam Thieme 08/19/2023 12:51 AM Actions
5266 PSync Bug New Normal Drop sync reply freshness to prevent caching-related issues Alexander Lane 05/23/2023 06:32 PM Actions
5264 mini-ndn Feature Code review Normal Allow permanent faces in NDNRoutingHelper Alexander Lane 05/22/2023 11:35 PM Actions
5263 mini-ndn Bug Code review Low Support floating point bandwidth in topology files Alexander Lane 05/22/2023 11:57 PM Actions
5261 mGuard Task New Normal fix identity-management-fixture Adam Thieme 08/19/2023 12:46 AM Actions
5260 mGuard Task New Normal change semantic location lookup in database to return only one location Adam Thieme 07/19/2023 09:42 PM Actions
5259 mGuard Task New Normal Add participant ID to semantic location lookup Adam Thieme 07/19/2023 09:43 PM Actions
5258 NLSR Feature New Normal Increase possible range of supported Hello interest intervals and related configurable values 04/11/2023 04:20 PM Actions
5257 mGuard Feature New Normal Initializing Requester Names via Controller Certs Adam Thieme 07/19/2023 09:49 PM Actions
5256 mGuard Task New Normal Update mGuard naming convention to incorporate metadata and revision number of the stream Saurab Dulal 08/09/2023 08:56 PM Actions
5255 mGuard Task New High Encrypt data using all possible contextual attributes Saurab Dulal 07/19/2023 09:57 PM Actions
5253 mGuard Task New Normal Modularize mGuard pub-sub API Saurab Dulal 03/29/2023 06:46 PM Actions
5252 mini-ndn Feature New Normal Allow scripts to define custom configuration options for NLSR and NFD Dylan Hensley 02/14/2023 08:20 PM Actions
5246 mini-ndn Bug New High Setting link parameters via topology conf file broken in Mini-NDN-Wifi 11/06/2022 11:26 AM topology, mininet-wifi Actions
5243 ndn-tools Bug New Normal Goodput is zero on ARMv7 10/04/2022 04:58 PM Actions
5241 ndn-cxx Task New Normal Redesign support for HMAC keys 08/24/2023 08:00 PM security, openssl Actions
5238 mGuard Task In Progress Normal Implement Unsubscribe feature Saurab Dulal 07/12/2023 09:55 PM Actions
5234 mini-ndn Bug In Progress Normal Broken mobility bounds in Mini-NDN Alexander Lane 08/08/2022 04:56 PM mobility Actions
5233 mGuard Feature New Normal Add wildcard support in both the name tree and in the parser 08/02/2023 09:27 PM Actions
5232 mini-ndn Feature New Normal Face creation via topology and enable users to run NLSR in Mini-NDN-Wifi Alexander Lane 07/18/2022 05:32 PM Actions
5231 mini-ndn Task New Normal Set default access point/IP switch behavior to ignore SDN features 07/12/2022 10:45 AM Actions
5230 mini-ndn Task New Normal Add notes about NFD log level related packet loss to documentation Alexander Lane 07/05/2022 02:18 PM Actions
5228 mGuard Task In Progress Normal Benchmark repo with different DBs Suravi Regmi 08/02/2023 09:33 PM repo, system Actions
5227 mGuard Feature New Normal Move repo interactions to a separation thread 06/27/2022 04:27 AM repo, system Actions
5226 mGuard Task New Normal Fetch data from real MD2K server 06/27/2022 04:27 AM system Actions
5223 mGuard Task New Normal Investigate problems with key names and interest/data parameter setting in NAC-ABE Saurab Dulal 08/02/2023 09:38 PM NAC-ABE Actions
5222 mGuard Task In Progress Normal See the possibility of switching to Repo commands instead of TCP bulk insertion Suravi Regmi 08/02/2023 09:39 PM repo Actions
5220 mGuard Task New Normal Automatically verify public key certificate from the users Saurab Dulal 06/27/2022 04:20 AM mGuard Controller, Attribute Authority Actions
5219 mGuard Feature New Normal Support name prefix of data requesters in the policy Adam Thieme 08/19/2023 12:53 AM Attribute Authority Actions
5209 ndn-cxx Feature New Normal Ed25519 signature type 08/23/2023 11:50 PM Ed25519, security Actions
5208 mini-ndn Task New Normal Allow for batch processing of Nfdc face creation 05/24/2022 12:11 PM Actions
5207 NFD Feature New Normal autoconfig: allow NDN-FCH service over HTTPS 03/05/2024 04:38 PM Actions
5203 ndns Feature New Normal Accommodate certificate name in KeyLocator 05/04/2022 01:59 PM Actions
5194 mGuard Task New Normal Unit and Integration tests Saurab Dulal 07/26/2023 09:24 PM unit-tests, integration Actions
5191 mGuard Task In Progress Normal Bootstrapping, namespace and certificate management Tianyuan Yu 07/26/2023 09:38 PM certificate Actions
5182 NFD Feature New Normal Easier identification of the process at the other end of a UnixStream face Davide Pesavento 05/15/2022 03:01 PM Actions
5177 ndn-cxx Feature New Normal Command interest replay detection by (timestamp, nonce)-tuples 01/11/2022 05:43 PM security Actions
5175 NFD Feature New Normal Replace CityHash with a more modern hash function 03/17/2022 11:07 AM Actions
5174 mini-ndn Task New Normal ndnRoutingHelper: Use nfdc batch command to install route 06/24/2021 03:12 PM Actions
5170 mini-ndn Task New Normal Avoid using default topologies 06/10/2021 10:42 AM Actions
5168 mini-ndn Task New Normal Write documentation for the examples 06/04/2021 12:59 PM Actions
5166 NFD Feature New Normal Make DeadNonceList lifetime configurable 08/13/2023 10:19 PM DeadNonceList Actions
5159 PSync Task New Normal PartialSync: replace hello Interest/data with sync Interest/data using a special bloom filter/prefix 01/02/2023 08:44 PM Actions
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