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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Tags
5353 ndncert Bug New Normal Possible Undesired Behavior in CA param Name Assignment 03/14/2025 04:11 AM Actions
5352 ndncert Bug New Normal CA crashes on parameter with '=' 03/14/2025 07:58 PM Actions
5349 NLSR Feature New Urgent Add prefix weighting to NLSR Alexander Lane 03/06/2025 09:34 PM Actions
5348 NDN Specifications Task New Normal Revisit prefix announcement / injection / propagation 02/21/2025 07:27 PM needs-discussion Actions
5347 mini-ndn Task New High Update Vagrantfile to modern LTS Ubuntu or remove Alexander Lane 02/21/2025 08:27 PM Actions
5346 NFD Feature New Normal GPSManager: Enable NFD to obtain GPS-based position from local gpsd Tianxing Ma 02/06/2025 06:32 PM CCLF Actions
5345 mini-ndn Task New Low Add or document methodology for natively creating sockets in node network namespaces 02/04/2025 08:44 PM Actions
5344 NLSR Bug New Normal NLSR should not write nlsrSeqNo.txt in the home directory 02/11/2025 09:36 PM Actions
5343 mini-ndn Bug In Progress Normal Crashes when running Mini-NDN-Wifi repeatedly in same Python3 process Alexander Lane 01/13/2025 11:45 PM Actions
5342 NFD Feature New Normal nfdc: JSON output 02/06/2025 04:34 AM Actions
5341 ndn-cxx Bug New Normal ndn::io::save does not complain if output file cannot be created 12/20/2024 03:00 AM Actions
5339 ndnSIM Task New Normal Upgrade ndnSIM to base on ns-3.4x. Mark Theeranantachai 12/09/2024 10:43 PM Actions
5338 mini-ndn Task In Progress Normal Ensure code style consistency and general code cleanliness Alexander Lane 11/15/2024 03:05 AM Actions
5337 mini-ndn Bug In Progress High Ensure unified behavior regarding topology parameters in wired versus wireless Alexander Lane 11/13/2024 11:59 PM Actions
5335 mini-ndn Task New Low Add explicit error messages about missing non-optional conf sections 09/28/2024 02:20 AM Actions
5333 PSync Task New Normal Fix SendSyncInterest Loop 09/27/2024 11:52 PM Actions
5331 mGuard Task New Normal Change CK Naming 09/12/2024 08:49 PM Actions
5330 mGuard Task New Normal Data Generator Pre-Generate Data Suravi Regmi 09/06/2024 09:41 PM Actions
5329 mini-ndn Task New Normal Release new Mini-NDN version (0.7.0) Alexander Lane 11/15/2024 03:05 AM Actions
5326 mGuard Task New Normal check for ndn-python-repo installed 07/12/2024 07:24 PM Actions
5325 mGuard Task New High Make sure Consumer can handle both manifest and non-manifest streams Adam Thieme 07/05/2024 09:33 PM Actions
5324 mini-ndn Bug New Normal Inconsistent RTT behavior in Mini-NDN-Wifi with infrastructure topologies 07/05/2024 06:57 PM Actions
5322 mini-ndn Feature New Normal Add IPv6 face support to Mini-NDN utilities 06/18/2024 07:28 PM Actions
5321 mini-ndn Task Code review Normal Add basic support for unicast ethernet faces to all relevant helpers Alexander Lane 06/18/2024 09:30 PM Actions
5319 ndn-cxx Feature New Normal Non-root user in container images 05/11/2024 08:35 PM docker Actions
5318 mini-ndn Feature In Progress Normal Move NFD/NLSR configuration modification to be executed internally via infoconv Alexander Lane 04/10/2024 09:35 PM Actions
5317 mGuard Task New Normal Facilitate New Users/Policies 04/05/2024 09:33 PM Actions
5316 mini-ndn Bug In Progress High Resolution to bug #5309 not supporting PPAs Alexander Lane 04/04/2024 06:13 PM Actions
5314 mini-ndn Task New Normal Automatically install utilities needed for doc generation in NDN dependencies Alexander Lane 04/02/2024 06:20 PM Actions
5313 ndn-cxx Feature New Normal ValidatorConfig: specify signed Interest fields 02/23/2024 07:26 PM ValidatorConfig Actions
5312 PSync Task New Normal Improve handling of stale sync data/"no new update" 02/12/2024 09:02 PM Actions
5308 NLSR Task In Progress Normal Code cleanup in LSA and routing table related types Junxiao Shi 02/22/2024 02:16 PM code-cleanup Actions
5307 mGuard Bug New High ck+encrypted data bug Adam Thieme 07/05/2024 09:33 PM Actions
5306 mGuard Task New Normal Fix Waf Scripts Adam Thieme 07/12/2024 07:24 PM Actions
5305 PSync Task New Normal Enhance HELLO protol to notify consumers of new prefixes when they are added 12/21/2023 06:21 PM Actions
5302 mGuard Task New Normal Change all timestamps to unix time Adam Thieme 11/21/2023 09:59 PM Actions
5301 mGuard Task New Normal Change semantic location window to formatted timestamp Adam Thieme 11/21/2023 09:57 PM Actions
5296 mGuard Task New Normal bundle datapoints based on attributes 08/31/2023 10:18 PM Actions
5295 mGuard Task New Normal Application needs to be able to configure time granularity 08/31/2023 10:17 PM Actions
5294 mGuard Task New Normal add time-based attributes to producer/publisher code Adam Thieme 07/05/2024 09:35 PM Actions
5293 mGuard Task New Normal Modify data generator to be configurable via command line Adam Thieme 09/14/2023 09:48 PM Actions
5292 mGuard Task New Normal Script to automate mGuard evaluation 08/31/2023 09:20 PM Actions
5291 ndn-cxx Feature New Normal Deterministic ECDSA signing 11/23/2023 07:58 PM security, openssl Actions
5290 mGuard Task New Normal create valid trust schema for testbed experiments 08/19/2023 12:58 AM Actions
5289 mGuard Task New Normal test mGuard for possible testbed-related bugs 08/19/2023 12:57 AM Actions
5288 NFD Feature New Normal DeadNonceList with hashtable buckets 08/13/2023 10:14 PM DeadNonceList Actions
5287 mGuard Task New Normal Developer Guide 08/09/2023 10:09 PM Actions
5284 mGuard Task New Normal Documentation Updates 08/21/2023 06:26 PM Actions
5283 mGuard Task New Normal Write New Example Consumer Application for Testing Howard Zhu 08/09/2023 10:02 PM Actions
5282 mGuard Task New Normal Update Current Example Consumer Application Howard Zhu 08/09/2023 10:03 PM Actions
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